Why I choose not to take the V.
From 2004 to 2006, I went to work in South America for my previous job and was again injected with the Hepatitis A + B V. and the tetanus V to be okay. In 2007 I traveled to Peru and was injected with Yellow Fever V because it was mandatory to enter the country.
In both the Dominican Republic and Peru I was hospitalized with symptoms of food poisoning.
In 2008 I started to experience all kinds of physical ailments in my body, glandular fever, chronic tendonitis, flu, intestinal complaints and a strong fatigue.
After a number of doctor visits where no concrete diagnosis could be made and especially after the last one where a doctor told me ‘you will have to live with it’ and ‘here you have a pill for the pain’, I was completely done with it and I felt a deep desire to find a doctor who could see me behind the physical phenomena. For the first time I felt that there had to be something more than just my physical limitation.
Why is my body showing these signals? Why is my body experiencing pain?
I searched the internet for holistic healing methods and ended up with a doctor who is trained in both regular medicine and natural health care. She took a HIPP (hypo-ionic protein profile) blood analysis on me and saw the image of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. She said to me, “I see the image of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in you, I am not going to say you have this or impose this label on you. You are 26 years old, you can still change this yourself.”
I am still grateful today that she communicated this to me that way. It is so easy to become a victim of a label imposed on you. Instead, she started to activate, support and strengthen my self-healing ability.
She was not so much concerned with what was visible at that time, the diagnosis (the effect), but was mainly interested in what led to this point (the cause).
She asked me all kinds of questions and when I told her my story, things quickly became clearer. About my diet, my lifestyle, the damage that vaccination can do, the use of the pill, etc …
A whole new world opened up for me. Finally I felt seen as a complete person; physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
I adjusted my diet and got tested for food intolerances to support the detoxification and rebuilding of my intestinal tissue.
For a while I did not eat meat, gluten, sugar or drunk alcohol. I quit the pill and in 2009 I quit drinking alcohol for 8 years.
I learned to pay more attention to fresh food and organic products. I took several dietary supplements to boost the self-healing ability in my body.
My body felt very happy and more free with these new habits.
In addition, I also did the necessary therapeutic work in trainings that were focused on shadow and body work.
It has taken a number of years to get rid of all accumulated toxic substances and this process is still ongoing.
In 2011 I started a 4-year training as a health coach and there I got a number of revelations again. I got to know the human body in depth, not only from a regular medical approach but also from a natural approach. I heard many teachers and speakers share a different picture than what was given to me in my education and the media. I was amazed of the information I was told. It has ensured that I started to think more critically instead of following the mainstream.
I started to delve more into the secret agenda of the pharmaceutical world and this has brought me even more awareness of what I choose to take and receive in my body.
The V is no longer part of that, especially the latest popular version.
I know what toxic substances are in it, what effect this has on my body and how it affects my immune system.
I prefer a preventive approach, continuing to nurture my self-healing ability and to be able to live in a body that is as pure as possible.
I experience the purer my body, the purer the energy of my soul can move freely and express itself, the more aligned I can live my soul mission and experience my full potential.
The healthier this body is, the smoother and more pleasant my journey on this planet is and will be.
I am strongly questioning the most recently designed V.
I have read that the normal procedure for a V-design takes a number of years before it is approved. Because different clinical test procedures has to be done before launching etc …
Isn’t it strange that a V is suddenly introduced on the market in less than a year, which has not even been properly tested on humans?
I see that many doctors (and many from the regular sector) who question the effectiveness and operation of this V are being threatened and silenced by higher authorities.
Isn’t this weird?
When everything is so safe and healthy, why all this fuss?
Don’t we as humans have the right to know the pro AND contra before we choose something?
Why is a lot of information taken from us or covered up? What can we not hear?
The last two weeks I was unexpectedly in Belgium for my family.
It’s giving me a feeling of impotence to watch how the V campaign is taking place there. To be clear, this is not about what is right or wrong. I respect everyone’s own choice in this.
Sometimes I just shiver of the ignorance that is still there in many people (because so much has ended up being covered up). When I read or hear from people that their first intuitive gut feeling says “no” but they still go for “yes” due to social pressure and/or manipulation of the authorities, my stomach turns.
When I hear that, in addition to older people, pregnant women are now also given priority to get the V, Kali and Joan of Arc are waking up inside myself. I could go to battle with my sword, but from higher guidance I know that this is pointless.
It is no longer about struggle or fighting battles, it is about acceptance and continuing to believe and trust in the power of truth.
I feel that I am super sensitive and protective of children this time. It touches me deeply and I worry.
An adult can make his own choice and can take his own responsibility in it. Children and unborn children cannot do this, they depend on what their parents decide.
Side effects
So little is known about the side effects and consequences of this V as it was not properly tested.
How this affects fertility in women (and men), what toxic substances are given with it by breastfeeding and how that affects the immunity of the baby. What the effect is on the growing vulnerable fetus in a V-woman’s womb.
I shiver at the thought of all this.
As a possible future mother I feel the importance, the responsibility and the care in my own body for my future children and their children and all further generations that will be born.
It lets me feel that is not just about our own person and life, but about so much more that is not yet visible.
Voice is heard
I’m sharing this because I wish to make my voice heard.
And the point is not that this is THE truth, or what is right or wrong.
You are welcome to take what resonates and to leave what does not resonate with you.
You are welcome to do and choose what feels right for you in your life.
This is just a way to give myself space as a free thinking human being. And let this be the message for all of us, that we can continue to give each other the freedom to choose what is right for each one and that we can accept and respect each other in this.
May these words create more awareness in your journey. As well as giving more attention to the importance of V-damage as a possible result of a current clinical diagnosis.
May you be healthy and protected,
With love,
Evelien De Wit
Touch of Medicine