What are you doing?
“What are you actually doing?
Are you in a cult and having sex with women? Do you participate in orgies? Do you have sex with men?
I don’t get it anymore.”
Well yes, me neither! 😆
So you see that everyone has their own perception and interpretation about things, and certainly when it comes to tantra.
It has become a popular word with the result that all kinds of charges and associations have become attached to it.
Funny to observe how the mind creates all kinds of concepts and images about this. Which is completely ok,
I’ve had a lot of resistance to it myself.
Perhaps I do not yet know the actual depth of this word or what the actual authentic teachings entail.
Still, the word resonates and I let my intuition leading me to explore this field.
There is a feeling, a recognition, a memory.
In this way I love to touch people from the purity of my heart.
To help them reconnect to their bodies.
To bring their consciousness IN to the body.
To help them to open blockades so their energy can freely flow again.
I love when I receive their permission to touch their yoni’s and lingams and spontaneously say a prayer to honor their holiness.
To feel so blessed to be allowed to enter so many different yoniverses and guide them the way back to their Holy Altar and inner richness and wisdom.
To be able to hold all those Pillars of Light with such respect and to acknowledge them in their power, pure consciousness, presence and love that they bring into the world.
To be able to be present and to give them the space to express themselves fully, in totality.
I love to witness how their masks are melting away and to see glimps of their authentic self.
To see them more awake and alive stepping back in to the world.
This is my interpretation of sacred work that I call tantra massage.
Freedom & Connection.
With sexual energy alias life force energy as a tool to experience expansion and self liberation.
So that is one of the things that I do 🙂
This week I am still in Belgium and there are 2 places left for an individual session. I’ll be back in December and in between I’m available in magical Ibiza.
Evelien De Wit
Touch of Medicine