Number 13 in my life
This time 13 years ago I went into the sweat lodge for the very first time.
I followed the calling and during 4 days I was initiated with 4 sweatlodge ceremonies one after the other.
I remember what an huge impact this had on me and what woke up inside of me. Since then I have been walking the path of ceremony and the path of the awakening of my authentic self.
13 is a number that is strongly present in my life.
For example, I was 13 years old when my dog came into my life. She was a true beacon of light and a source of warmth and unconditional love in my teenage years.
I was 26 (2×13) when she left her physical dog body at the age of 13.
At the age of 26 I also went on Vision Quest for the first time and I had spot number 13.
In 2020, it will also be 13 years since I first experienced plant medicine in Peru which is part of my life since then too.
13 seems to be a strong transforming number for me.
Looking back at my first sweatlodge ceremony 13 years ago, I have the idea that a cycle is being completed.
The last two weeks I feel myself again in a Dark Night of the Soul.
I feel a lot moving within myself, shadow that becomes tangible and the feeling that something is dying in me. Something is shifting and transforming, although I cannot express what it is exactly.
It seems that a cycle of preparation as a student is being completed and that I am being prepared to take on the role as a teacher.
I love the thought and I am aware that I will always remain a student. It’s also a pleasant feeling to be under the wings of God, the Universe or Love.
Yet there is now a calling not only to stay under those wings but also to be those wings myself.
And that feels pretty exciting.
I feel both the child in me who likes to surrender to a higher leading force and wants to remain a child, as well as the adult in me who wants to take responsibility and wants to lead herself.
There is a whole inner dynamic present between these two 😄
One in which different conditionings become tangible that are primarily based on fear.
Burning it is…
This is what is present in myself now as well with a big portion of enthusiasm that the time is now ready to step up even more.
And to have the opportunity to offer my unique medicine to the world 🔥❤
In 2020 I’ll start with 2 new events 💥
Sacred Union within for men ~ an initiation into your Divine Feminine
En Sacred Union within for women ~ balancing your inner masculine and feminine
You’re very welcome to join as well to spread this around.
Thank you!!!
Evelien De Wit
Touch of Medicine