Body pain signals
In the middle of last week’s tantra training I became aware of a pain in my ribs on the right side.
The feeling that a rib clenched my liver.
I observed it and went on.
It remained dormant until the day before yesterday when I was giving my sessions with full enthusiasm and the rib kicked in very strongly again.
Auch, yes, a painful affair.
Fortunately I had an appointment with my osteopath yesterday. She looked at me and said that the rib has to do with a conflict with someone who is very close to me and I love very much. As the liver and kidney is also involved there is also anger and fear associated with it.
I knew what she meant as I studied these symbolic interpretations in my training as a health coach.
I started to laugh and told her about the processes and the major shifts happened within myself the last week.
About a sister that I carry in my heart and where there was a conflict-active atmosphere for a long time.
How we went in communication, an opening was created and healing was entering our connection.
About my masculine energy that has laid down its sword and no longer chooses to fight and to defense.
Who now chooses to connect with my feminine energy, to support her, to trust her and to receive her in everything she gives.
With glittering eyes I told her that I am in the healing phase of this conflict. What is now felt in these painful physical symptoms.
She confirmed.
All that long stored old stagnant energy can now leave the body and yes that hurts.
She worked the whole time on my right side, the right wing is now also ready to open completely.
The liberation of my masculine energy which I experienced last week on a spiritual, mental and emotional level is now also descending on the physical level.
A new balance and inner peace in my Holy Marriage is now landing in the matter.
Wow, fantastic how this body and these processes work, don’t they?!
I’m in awe.
Deep bow to Mother Earth, the Temple and the Great Mystery of Life.
And so my flow of action is paused for a few days and I treat myself with a lot of care, love and attention to let the renewal sink in.
What a life!
Evelien De Wit
Touch of Medicine